We are committed to uniting like-hearted Women Awakening and Ascending to foster deep connections, while discovering their truth, leading to a path of purpose, and co-creating fulfilling lives, together.


This community is founded by women that are answering their calling as healing practitioners and space holders. We are diving deep into the creation of New Earth, knowing it starts here… creating safety, connection, and having fun in community. 

Our commitment to conscious connection is first and foremost... because when we hold integrity, truth, and connection as the ultimate goal... love can reside here and grow.

What is the purpose of Circles and what happens during them?

We are committed to bring the sacred virtual connection. Because it does take a village we have just lost that ritual connection.

A Circle in this context is a symbolic or physical space often used in spiritual and ceremonial practices. It typically represents a boundary or container for special rituals, ceremonies, or gatherings.

The intention of these connections are personal growth, rediscovering your true self, free from societal conditioning, and living in alignment with your authentic self. Circle is a great entry point or way to stay connected to explore your magic in a conscious community no matter where you are.

These spaces are unique and have been so life-giving for the people who have joined. Each time conscious conversation, connection, support, and endlessly valuable tools are present to explore your magic and awakening path are available. This support can support you to step out into the world being all of you.

A ritual circle creates safety and sets boundaries for a sacred space. There is no hierarchy as every person contributes to the circle as an equal. Titles and designations are left outside. Participants are invited to show up wholly authentic and present.

This is also the intention for ‘The Illumination Collective’ that we are building to connect with Soul Family. This circle is a virtual offering but just as sacred and designed with intentionality to support awakening and provide connection for those walking this beautiful, and sometimes, challenging path.

What people are saying

After joining the Illuminated Collective and just one sessions I knew I was in the right place. Amy has “The Stuff”. I felt seen, heard, and hopeful to resolve the constant overwhelm when I was around others. The work I have done over the last year to step into my life’s purpose and into a level of fulfillment I didn’t think was possible...woah. It has been a challenging journey but well worth it.

Amy saw all of me, my potential and my wounds. She guided and challenged me to be my highest self while holding a safe space for the parts I couldn’t see or believe in until I could. The growth has been surprising and I am very thankful for this time.

—Amanda, Reflector, Circles and Portal