Amy Leiter, MA LPC


You’re no longer the person you were a few years ago a few days ago, or even a few minutes ago. And you may not quite clear on who you are and who you are becoming because of this acceleration. 

My role is to walk with you to see see you and support shifts to step onto your highest timeline, fully expanded in your power, and walking in your truth. Let’s create some magic together.

I am a Manifestor and Kitchens Environment in Human Design and a Sag Sun, Leo Rising Libra Moon… what this means is I am creating and initiating a container for the Illuminated Collective to operate in and focused on connecting everyone to themselves, the community, and resources.

Through my offerings I provide Therapeutic Guidance through Wisdom Traditions and Quantum Healing, for those who are passionate about deep inner knowing and expansion. Many in the community are learning how to offer their calling and gifts. Can’t wait to connect with you.

I have been shown from the visions of my heart that my life’s work is to shine my light on what is hidden. This may be your gifts and blocks in the shadows that need to clear for you to access your purpose and expression of your uniqueness.

I am committed to liberating hearts, and clearing karma through being a direct channel of of the divine, Quantum Healing Reiki, and Soul Mapping. Each sesison I provide is unique to you… as I believe it should be.

All my life, I have experienced so much confusion about my purpose on this planet. But once I used Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys the illumination of my uniqueness allowed me to see my path. And I can’t wait for you to illuminate yours as well.

We will not be retreating from anything but going deeper within, learning to love all of us, and having fun in the space of creation.

Thank you for being here. xx

Astrology: Sagittarius Sun, Leo Rising, Libra Moon Human Design: Splenic 1/3 Manifestor Gene Keys Genius: 11/12, 6/36 Gene Key Conscious Sun/HD Gate: 11 is all about Idealism + Light


approach to psychology + spirituality

I simply say the work we do is about releasing what no longer serves us and integrating all of our parts to become the highest most conscious version of ourselves.

As a Guide, I mindfully offer you a blueprint to see how you operate so you can connect to the ease and flow that you are meant to experience in your everyday life. Mindfulness in daily life allows us to trust ourselves and navigate with ease. Energy pattern awareness can lead to healing and transformation. 

You are on purpose and you have purpose my loves. Let’s get started in discovering all of you. I have been working as a therapist studying growth, energy, and ancient wisdom traditions for years. I not only have all of the letters behind my name — I have the lived professional and personal experience of taking risks in life; and things have not always gone how I thought they would.

I tried merchandising in the fashion world, graphic design, counseling, and art therapy,  — all of that has made me more capable of understanding the world and the part that finding your purpose plays in fulfillment, peace, and ease in your life.

It also has allowed me to fall in love with finding my own authenticity and supporting others in seeing themselves as you were created to be… the essence of all of who you are and your gifts!


Light is, and always has been, very important to me — how the light falls on your closed eyelids while basking in the sun, glowing on the leaves of the aspens, allowing newly fallen snow to glisten, or the twinkle in your eye.

I like to think of light as a spectrum where light and dark are both welcome, and myself as a lightning bolt finding the source (or root) of healing challenges and suffering to then turn them into your superpowers.

My work is to truly clear the way for more light in the world… starting with the light inside you. This is where the name The Illuminated Psychologist came from and it feels so good to finally see it in my own Gene Keys and Astrology. And lightworker I cannot wait to see yours… I know it will be brilliant. xx