Higher Self Communion

You may be hearing "highest self" referenced a lot lately. Most of us have read or heard advice along the lines of "Connect to your highest self to become abundant, grounded, calmer, etc.," at some point. But what does a higher self connection really feel like, and how can we recognize it? Here's a psychological perspective on how to connect with the part of you that is wise, aware, and connected to all that is, and what I call the 'spiritual project manager' of all incarnations. I truly believe right now many of us are tuning up our gifts and receiving activations and struggling a bit because our higher self is actually becoming a physical part of us and so we are being asked to embody many of the tools and knowledge we have gained for it to become wisdom and part of us.

The truth is, I crave adventure, leaning, and I’m a party girl at heart. I thought I was going to be a graphic designer, have a 6 figure salary and travel the world. But when I got my job at an ad agency I felt dead inside. It just didn’t align. And instead of looking with in began searching outside of me. And of course theres nothing I loved more than a great party. And now I'm a therapeutic and spiritual guide. But here's my truth. For years I used partying and drinking alcohol to escape my life. 

And I felt like if I gave up alcohol and the spontaneity that that part of myself would die… and I loved that part of me. I loved the wildness. I loved the connection and freeness I felt.  But it was also completely wrecking my body and my life. As I began to awaken and remember my truth I was only able to shift my patterns was to ask myself how can I create a life I don't need to escape from? 

How can life feel like one big party? 

The answer for me, and I believe this can be true for everybody. 

I had to learn how to be ALL OF ME. 

I had to learn how to fully express who I am. Invite all of me to the party. 

And the only way I could do that was to let go of my fears that I wasn’t enough, that I wouldn’t be accepted, and that I had to fit into a society and world that wasn’t made for me. So I had to step deeply into myself and look at who I was and what I needed to let go of. 

An it wasn’t all glitter and unicorns… BUT IT WAS WORTH IT.  AND now that I’m living my dream in Costa Rica it’s important to share I’m not living my dream because I’m in Costa Rica I’m living my dream because I’m finally BEING ALL OF ME.  

And what's amazing is that you don’t have to do this alone. The community im creating and CIRCLES that I hold give me thise warm fuzzies and buzz that I loved. Without any alcohol, any drugs, or even plant medicine. And I know they're supporting women to create a life they don't have to escape. And I'm happier than I have ever been in my life and you can be to. It’s time to bring the sacred back to everything we do. To be present in our lives with all we are. Nothing changes or can be manifested that’s aligned if you can’t be you.  

What is the Higher Self?

In psychology the unconscious and subconscious—the highest self, or just the Self, can be defined as our inner guidance that is separate from our personality (Ego).

The material and mystical are joined here in a guidance that will never steer you wrong. Your highest self has nothing to do with your ego, but can guide you through the use of symbols, imagery, songs, and many of your senses.

We experience our inner worlds and highest selves through symbol and metaphor most often. Your highest self's language is truly through your imagination and senses. This is why developing your intuitive 'clairs' is so important (clear knowing, feeling, seeing, smelling, etc.), meditation, and dreams via your daily experiences and personal symbols. You can also connect with your higher self through esoteric tools and collective symbols: stories, tarot, myth, ritual, and prayer.

Reconnecting to our highest self is one of the greatest journeys we can embark on, especially during uncertain and uncomfortable times. I say reconnecting because when we were children we were connected to most aspects of ourselves and spiritual teams and disconnected for many reasons as we were more engulfed in the experiences of the 3D.

The simplest way to activate your innate connection to your highest self is by presence. No meditation or breathwork required (although both can act to get you into a more receptive state of being). Simply allow yourself to move past the discomfort that arises from not being continuously distracted and then you will likely meet your higher self. This is why mirror work and shadow work are used to move beyond distractions and triggers of the ego.


Mindfulness and meditation are important as we awaken and ascend. The ability to witness and work with our energy is the way to practice connecting with our higher self. Tapping into the wisdom and guidance that resides within leads to a journey of self-discovery, inner transformation, and deepening spiritual awareness.

This guide will help you to understand the concept of the higher self, and provide practical techniques to help you establish a meaningful connection with aspect of yourself.

Connecting with Your Higher Self

A connection with your higher self opens the doorway to profound self-realization and personal growth. By establishing a strong connection with your higher self, you gain access to intuitive wisdom, clarity, and a deeper understanding of your life’s purpose. It brings about a sense of inner peace, empowerment, and alignment with your authentic self.**

Mindfulness and Presence

Practice mindfulness by bringing your full attention to the present moment. Observe your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment. Cultivate a sense of presence by focusing on the sensations of your breath, the sounds around you, or the feeling of your body against the surface you’re sitting or lying on. This practice helps quiet the mind and create a space for connecting with your higher self.

Mantras and Affirmations

Mantras and affirmations are an additional way to connect mindfully. Choose a mantra or affirmation that resonates with you and reflects your intention. It could be a simple phrase like “I love myself, I trust myself, I will be myself” or “I am open to divine guidance“. Repeat this mantra or affirmation silently or aloud during your moring or evening ritual or meditation practice at any time of day. By allowing these positive affirmations and vibrations to permeate your being, you will begin to align you with your higher self more, and more.

Techniques Meditation

Breathwork and Visualization are powerful techniques for meditative connection. Focusing on your breath allows you to relax and access higher consciousness. To try it find a quiet and comfortable space, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine inhaling pure, positive energy, and as you exhale, release any tension or negativity. Visualize this energy flowing through your chakras connecting each of their energy to activate your entire body, nourishing every cell, and bringing an overall sense of calminto the present moment.

Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are valuable tools for spiritual meditation, especially for beginners. These meditations are led by teachers or recorded audios that provide guidance and visualization to help you connect with your higher self. They often include imagery, affirmations, and gentle prompts to facilitate a deeper spiritual experience. Look for guided meditations specifically designed for connecting with your higher self or spiritual awakening. I have been recording several for the Activation Portal and Insight timer.

Tarot and Oracle Cards

I believe tarot has this wonderful way of synchronizing all the parts of your soul, so that they communicate effectively together. When using tarot, the Neshamah (higher self) part of you, communicates with signs and symbols. The Neshamah hands off its messages to the Nephesh (lower self) because the Ruach (middle self) would struggle to understand the meaning or the message. Then, the Nephesh does its best to translate that message to the Ruach.

Tarot cards are colors, symbols, numbers and pictures. Your higher self can relate to these concrete cards. Answers from your higher self are waiting to be told with the cards. If you're not ready to translate an entire story with the cards, then pull one card and search for one item or symbol on that card and let it speak to your soul. The more often you do this, the more often your soul has the opportunity to work together as one and sharpen the intuition inside you.

Gratitude and Intention Setting

Incorporate gratitude and intention setting into your spiritual meditation practice. Before you begin, take a few moments to express gratitude for the blessings in your life and set a clear intention for your meditation session. It could be to deepen your connection with your higher self, gain clarity on a specific aspect of your life, or invite spiritual guidance. The combination of gratitude and intention creates a receptive and focused mindset for your practice.

Remember, these techniques are merely tools to support your mindfulness and meditation practices. Feel free to shift or change them and take what resonates or works for you. That is the entire point... higher slef intergratio is about following your own guidance and higher self. So experiment with different approaches and create a sacred space and dedicated time for yoo to just be. Allowing yourself to connect with the profound spiritual benefits of meditation you will begin to witness and see the world and your connection to spirituality different.

Beginning a Meditation Practice

Find a Quiet and Sacred Space: Choose a peaceful and quiet space where you can comfortably sit or lie down without distractions. This space can be indoors or outdoors, as long as it allows you to feel calm and connected.

Set Your Intention: Take a moment to reflect on your intention for the spiritual meditation practice. What do you seek to connect with or explore within yourself? Set a clear and positive intention to guide your meditation.

Get into a Comfortable Position: Find a comfortable position that allows you to relax and stay alert. You can sit cross-legged on a cushion, sit on a chair with your feet grounded, or lie down with your body supported. Choose a position that works best for you. Deepen Your Breath: Begin by taking a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your breath to become slow, steady, and natural. Focus on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body.

Seek Community and Support

Connect with like-minded individuals who are also on a spiritual journey. Join spiritual communities, attend retreats, or participate in group meditations or workshops. Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can provide encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging on your spiritual path.

Trust the unfolding of your journey and honor the divine spark within you. Embracing your spiritual journey is a transformative process that leads to self-discovery, inner peace, and a deeper connection with your higher self.

Connecting with your higher self through spiritual meditation is a profound and transformative experience. It opens the doors to self-realization, deep wisdom, and a greater understanding of your life’s purpose. By incorporating the techniques and principles shared in this guide, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and alignment with your authentic self. Embrace the power of connecting with your higher self and let it guide you on your spiritual path.

If you are looking for support please check out my offerings for 1:1, virtual community and portal and inperson retreats in the US and Costa Rica

I am truly her to be of service and support you please reach out or schedule if you need support or community.


Amy Leiter

Hello I’m Amy Leiter


As a Manifestor my energy is here to not just talk but to initiate change in your life. you are designed to be unique and it’s time to be all of you.


I have been working as a therapist studying growth, energy, and ancient wisdom traditions for years, I not only have all of the letters behind my name — I have the lived professional and personal experience, which means the ability to help you see yourself as you were created to be. You were meant to live with more clarity, ease, and maybe even dare to find joy.

WANT TO STEP OUT, OF INDECISION, FEELING STUCK, AND MAKE CHANGE? Ready to develop the tools to step into the possibilities and potential that lie beyond what you thought possible?


Living the Dream, For Real


Is Our Higher Self Our Soulmate?