Being a Manifestor in Human Design… YAAAS and I’m Sorry!

SO YOU ARE A MANIFESTOR... or you love one or have been triggered by one. Welcome to all the things you need to know to begin to understand. This is a love letter of sorts because I see you and I get it. I am one too.

—Manifestors have a powerful aura and presence that naturally makes an impact. It repels to protect their energy because they do not have consistent reliable energy like a defined sacral being (i.e. generators and manifesting generators).

—They value their freedom, autonomy, self-sufficiency, and independence to follow their inner guidance and urge when it rolls through.

—Have innate forward movement and are designed to follow their impulses and direct their path to bring or create something new in the world.

—Often must heal and strengthen their "I don't give an F*CK" your repelling aura will block out some distractions or obstacles to staying on task or focused on what you are creating but its something you must work with.

—No "permission" or "buy-in" or is necessary from others to move forward, but the strategy is to inform as a courtesy to let others know what is being put into action.


Manifestors make up about 8% of the population and have a powerful energy that people can sense. Their presence in a room is usually recognized.

Initiation is the role of manifestors in the world and new earth creation. They are here to get things started. Naturally innovative and future-oriented they are here to use their imapct to start big things... really all the things.

Manifestors thrive with autonomy and freedom. An absolutely not and no for Manifestors is to be micromanaged, controlled, or restricted by their people or their environment, or ignored. Too much unnecessary structure will be like a wet blanket on a flame... stifling their gifts and creativity.

It's imperative for Manifestors to trust what they are bringing into the world, being drawn to, and to be the leaders of their own lives. Manifestors thrive when able to initiate and create what they want when they are inspired. The urge is like chasing a tiger and grabbing it by the tail or riding a wave that will end.

Manifestors are here to make the first move without needing permission and naturally lead through their initiative and are not meant to be contained. This is often difficult when they are children so much of their trauma or shadow work is to like we said earlier bring out their ability to speak their truth, not be censored, which I am feelign a bit right now so AN NOT GIVE A FUCK. There I swore and that energy is moving now. Whew.

Now this doesn't mean they are cold or do not care but they must not let others being triggered, big reactions, or fears of not being liked or being embarrassed when visible.

Changes initiated by Manifestors are best received when they give a heads-up to those who will be impacted by their actions—not because they need anyone’s permission or want their buy-in, but to inform them of what’s coming as a courtesy.

Manifestors need alone time to repair and replenish their energetic aura.They can be spontaneous and inconsistent with bursts of energy that then require them to be able to feel their own energy, make inquiries intuitively, and integrate what is coming through.

Vision like clairvoyance is not always present but often knowing and feeling so this time alone or getting rest between urges is important to be inspired, to have "vision" in creation, and to see what they are bringing into reality.

Connection with the body, grounding, and learning to work with their energy is important. Knowing what is nourishing, exciting, and feels good is so important.

Another important thing to mention... the repelling aura. It can lead to some people not trusting you or being triggered by you because what we do, say, and bring into reality may surprise people.

This is why many of us during deconditioning may need to work on speaking up or healing from people pleasing. So part of claiming our power is learning how to hold a space that is open, nurturing, and in integrity. And also helpful to find a community where you feel seen, heard, and honored.



Play big and allow your energy to exist in it's fullest expression. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF SMALLER OR CONTORT YOUR ENERGY TO MAKE OTHERS COMFORTABLE.

Transmute, heal, and for the love of god... stop people-pleasing. You were created and are here to follow your internal hits and downloads that are often pushing you in a new direction.

Embrace the ebbs and flows in your energy and allow yourself to have seasons of creating and dreaming balanced with doing and initiating. But remember you are meant to go go go and do do do. So learn to delegate and what is for you and what is exciting. What are you passionate about? Part of deconditioning is to recognize when you feel angry or frustrated because you are not in strategy and that you are meant to experience peace and ride the waves of your beautiful energy.

You are meant to get things started and lead the way of discovery. So how you delegate and collaborate with others who love the follow-through, get the work done,trust the process, and see the vision are important.

If you are feeling resonance and seeing challenges or obstacles to your natural essence and expression a Soul Mapping Session can help you see your astrology and Human Design to decode and decipher your energy, strategy, biggest themes you canme to learn about and heal as well as the interconnections in each of your chart’s and their details—the way your profile, open/defined centers, channels, and gates express themselves in addition to these broader foundational elements. I will also chart out the major themes and key ways your charts show your unique path, purpose, callign, and way your personal design operates.

Learn how your soul came here to learn about and heal and how your aura functions independently and in the presence of others.

Receive actionable, understandable, and practical information about aligned decision-making and strategies to apply to everyday life as well as higher level contemplation of your purpose through Gene Keys. Illumination Sessions include: connection with me virtually and your chart’s specific details including quantum healing, cards for discovery, and activations. I bring my entire tool kit to the table to support accelerated healing. Schedule today to begin to see your beauty, path, and gifts in a new way! I got you.

The Circle and Portal offerings of the Illuminated Collective my community is a place and space to find resources and integrate learning and growth and also a community where you feel seen, heard, and honored.

If you decided to do deeper work Align Package includes 2 sessions a month and circle community and activation portal of resources. The Attune Package includes 2 sessions a month and circle community and activation portal of resources, PLUS AN ALL INCLUSIVE RETREAT IN THE US OR COSTA RICA. Set up a call so we can see what will be most aligned to your vision and unique gifts and challenges.


Amy Leiter

Hello I’m Amy Leiter


As a Manifestor my energy is here to not just talk but to initiate change in your life. you are designed to be unique and it’s time to be all of you.


I have been working as a therapist studying growth, energy, and ancient wisdom traditions for years, I not only have all of the letters behind my name — I have the lived professional and personal experience, which means the ability to help you see yourself as you were created to be. You were meant to live with more clarity, ease, and maybe even dare to find joy.

WANT TO STEP OUT, OF INDECISION, FEELING STUCK, AND MAKE CHANGE? Ready to develop the tools to step into the possibilities and potential that lie beyond what you thought possible?

Do things really change?


A Shift in my Approach: Why Quantum Healing, Psychotherapy, and Soul Mapping