Corruption moves to Harmony with Gene Key 50, Alignment + Discernment are Needed

This time we are in right now is preparing us for 6 months from now (Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus New Moon). As I hear the howler monkeys call out in their eeerie way I feel the collective wrestling with their emotions. It’s tugging on my heart but I am transmuting the energy and listening deeply.

As we sit in this potent energy between eclipses entering Scorpio Season, look at the most subtle indications of inspired action you are meant to take. It may be a shift in routine, drinking more water, marketing through energy letting go of 3D dense work to create with your heart, staying a moment longer in the shower for release, snuggling your child or fur baby and listening to the rain, putting your hand on your heart and breathing before interact with anyone... just listen your heart and soul are speaking.

As Gene Key 50’s energy rises with the conscious sun the energy moves through the Shadow of Corruption to the Siddhi of Harmony, through the way or Gift of Equilibrium You may be making big moves to course correct bigger aspects of life that no longer align with your path… ending relationships with partners, quitting jobs to follow your call, looking to soul family over family of origin, caring for your heart the way you have cared for others… these are calling for the subtle awareness and shifts in our lives, a return to self in the most subtle ways. Can you be your greatest gift?

Gene Key 50 deals with the patterns of celestial harmony that are woven into all forms and all realms. We are musical beings made like an octave. The notes need to be plucked in a certain way to open us to love. Then the emotional system is transcended, the mind falls silent, the physical body becomes radiant, and we enter the state of self-illumination. This is what we are preparing for.

‘As above, so below. As within, so without.’ A single molecule of DNA contains every one of the 64 Gifts of the Gene Keys within our DNA, so at some level, every one of them is resonating within your own being... each is also correlated with the gates in human design. Follow this transmission to the next post to look more in depth with this shadow to see how you can support yourself more fully at this time.

Gene Key 50’s Shadow is about the frequency of corruption.

As the conscious sun brings this shadow into light you can feel it. And this will be a catalyst for soul contracts, suffering, seeing the true intention of the powers that be. It’s not to focus on evil but seeing truth.

It’s about ‘corrupt data’. Each one of us incarnated with a virus built into our hardware.This virus began its work in the womb. It’s wound around our DNA – it’s our Karmic legacy. And we all have Karma, ancestral baggage, and genetic patterns that corrupt the true pattern of our nature.

Our purpose in life is to root out these corrupted ‘programs’ (karma, sin, conditioning, fear) and reboot our primary ‘hard drive’ - this is the 'Journey to our Awakening'. Reconnecting with our Soul’s mission, theme we are discovering, and integration with our higher self.

Gift of Equilibrium is about our true nature the Higher Self’s ability to guide us from self-organizing intelligence.

The equilibrium of keeping our spirits up in the face of shadow frequencies especially those that we are seeing as they are for the first time. This Gift has power, using corrupt energy to create balance, and awakening many more souls.

Those with the 50th gift, have the energy and genius to go into any environment that is dysfunctional, and use their inner power, aura and gifts, to reunite the elements and recombine them. And then, true harmony is once again possible.

So at this time stay with yourself and those like hearts that are supportive. We have not seen the positive plot twists and how this story is playing out. New Earth is rising but just like in birth there are pains and it’s not all glitter and rainbows. I’m the next post I’ll be discussing what is coming through the Siddhi. Stay strong beautiful beings now us the time to be aligned.

Siddhi of Harmony, Illuminated ones rise.

Life tests us, over and over, to maintain our inner equilibrium, or core stability. So we have to keep on innovating; we must keep on meeting each challenge making subtle shifts. At the shadow state, we spend most of our time out of balance.

We’re a victim caught in the net of this wounded and our own wounds. As our inner life opens to us, we begin to realize this balance is a choice and lies within us. And, it takes work to maintain it.

We're here to learn to live with equanimity. As we learn to embody mental calmness, composure, and temperance, in difficult conditions we become unshakeable and truly at peace.

When we have peace and this level of acceptance. Our life opens up to a higher reality. A harmony that lies hidden from view, but is communicated to us from every cell in our DNA. And our DNA attunes us to this deeper harmony. A deeper love that lies beyond the world that our senses can see. This balance is the 5D.


Soul Check: Contemplation, Celestial Harmony begins within each one of us - one step at a time, one loving action at a time. We are far more powerful that we give ourselves credit for. What values and rules do you follow in relationship with those whom you hold dear? Family? Friends? Workplace? Community?

Check in with your heart: Do each of the values and rules you adore to cause your heart to feel lighter? Or heavier? Why?

For the values and rules that cause your heart to feel heavier: Are you willing to take responsibility for setting and enforcing clear boundaries between you and the others involved? Why? Why not?

Allowing yourself to be nurtured, supported, and cared for by others is just as important as nurturing, supporting, and caring for others. To thrive in relationship, a balance is needed between giving and receiving.

Amy Leiter

Hello I’m Amy Leiter


As a Manifestor my energy is here to not just talk but to initiate change in your life. you are designed to be unique and it’s time to be all of you.


I have been working as a therapist studying growth, energy, and ancient wisdom traditions for years, I not only have all of the letters behind my name — I have the lived professional and personal experience, which means the ability to help you see yourself as you were created to be. You were meant to live with more clarity, ease, and maybe even dare to find joy.

WANT TO STEP OUT, OF INDECISION, FEELING STUCK, AND MAKE CHANGE? Ready to develop the tools to step into the possibilities and potential that lie beyond what you thought possible?

Is Our Higher Self Our Soulmate?


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